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Our teacher don't teach a lot in junior high school,I usually learn it on my own,I like read maps,I will draw and write it down by myself.But I only know little,and I'm not sure about something that are in detial🐤
Our teacher don't teach a lot in junior high school,I usually learn it on my own,I like read maps,I will draw and write it down by myself.But I only know little,and I'm not sure about something that are in detial🐤
Our teacher don't teach a lot in junior high school,I usually learn it on my own,I like read maps,I will draw and write it down by myself.But I only know little,and I'm not sure about something that are in detial🐤
Our teacher don't teach a lot in junior high school,I usually learn it on my own,I like read maps,I will draw and write it down by myself.But I only know little,and I'm not sure about something that are in detial🐤
Our teacher don't teach a lot in junior high school,I usually learn it on my own,I like read maps,I will draw and write it down by myself.But I only know little,and I'm not sure about something that are in detial🐤
I like reading and drawing maps
it's really interesting
How is history taught in China?
Our teacher don't teach a lot in junior high school,I usually learn it on my own,I like read maps,I will draw and write it down by myself.But I only know little,and I'm not sure about something that are in detial🐤
I like reading and drawing maps
it's really interesting
How is history taught in China?
I only know the Shanghai education not other parts of China. We learn ancient Chinese history at first(the longest), then modern Chinese history(middle), and finally ia the world history.