Are here women with red hair and freckles?

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Just a curiosity. Are here women with red hair and freckles? Maybe they're rare. More common in northern countries.

Tu sei consapevole di trovarti su un sito per amici di penna in cui si richiede un minimo di salute mentale?

Just a curiosity. Are here women with red hair and freckles? Maybe they're rare. More common in northern countries.
Good evening dear dreamer2 ! How are you ? So as to answer to your question , I must say that thanks to Penpal, I succeeded in finding my new wife and
she 's a red haired woman with not a lot of freckles and she comes from Germany and I wish you to live the same happiness that I m living now with her ! Have a good night !🙂

Capo, tu hai la libido a mille, devi sfogarti

Capo, tu hai la libido a mille, devi sfogarti
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