What is your pet peeve

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Mine is when people ignore my texts and when I take long to reply they ask where I was. Like damn where were you for two weeks Sara!!! Also it is understandable not everyone has time to reply but dont make it a big deal when I also need time to reply. Like it is weird when people want me to explain the same thing they did.

Bearbeitet von Lillie-ann .
Mine is when people ignore my texts and when I take long to reply they ask where I was. Like damn where were you for two weeks Sara!!!!
Calm down. An it’s just normal when people need time to answer.😌😊and maybe she don’t want that you say her name…

Bearbeitet von Hannah_07-11 .
Mine is when people ignore my texts and when I take long to reply they ask where I was. Like damn where were you for two weeks Sara!!!!
Calm down. An it’s just normal when people need time to answer.😌😊and maybe she don’t want that you say her name…
not her real name. And I know people need time but why is it a problem when I take time to reply?

Oh. Yes… idk why..

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