I kinda hate these people Anything and everything

They dont text for weeks and when they do text they dont bring anything to the convorsation. And when we talk about something they change the topic when its my turn to reply. And dont get me started when they take 41 minutes to reply to each text :[ I know people need time to reply but when you only need time when I wanna talk it is a problem.

Edited by Lillie-ann .

You have to "read" those people in their behaviour. Its classical ghosting, which I think is one of the worst sides of a charakter.

On the other side think about your own way to conversate: Not everyone have to like the topics you might want to talk about. And not everybody wants to say: "Not my topic, sorry. Next one please!"

Just need some experience. And you can always
calculate that a few of a dozen conversations are only just a few Messages or sentences.

What Chris said.

It's hard, but it's reality and completely normal xd

With some people I can't talk about anything. Im boring for them, or they are for me. Or there is not equal interest in each other.

While with some people I can talk for rest of my life, and we both enjoy it (altought it's rare).

But You can't expect satisfying conversation with everyone. And You should'nt be angry for them.

The girl who this is about asked me about it so I told her yes it is about her.

Not all people can be ur friends… and it’s normal that people need time to answer.. 🙃