Marking experience: Anne Frank

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A very marking experience was once a visit in the world famous Anne Frank house in the centre of Amsterdam. Have you ever been there? Visit it, if you know the background of Anne Frank and her family. Its really astonishing to see in reality how they lived in that tiny backhouse for almost two years in absolutely silence. The walls in some rooms are still like they have been left in August 1944 and pictograms and small posters are pinned on the wall in Anne Franks room. Its really sad if you know that her father was the only survivor of the family members in that house. She wrote her famous diary during that time. I came on this topic because I randomly saw in facebook on August 1st her last entry in her diary before she and her family where captured by the germans. (For reading her last entry google for this site and scroll a bit down: "Anne Frank arrested 70 years ago today: Read her last diary extract | The Independent | The Independent"
Astonishing mind for a 15 years old girl..

If you want to get an impression of the house google for this website: "Why Is There No Furniture in the Former Hiding Place of Anne Frank? — Google Arts & Culture"

Never had the opportunity, but I heard about the conditions. Couldn't imagine how hard life were for Anne Frank and her Family.

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