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18, from South Africa
August 03, 2023 13:52
August 03, 2023 13:52
Do you always text first or do you wait till your penpal texts first? Need advice to not seem needy
Edited by Lillie-ann August 03, 2023 14:05 .
14, from Germany
August 03, 2023 14:16
August 03, 2023 14:16
Sometimes I text first. Sometimes the others.
16, from China
August 03, 2023 14:26
August 03, 2023 14:26
Usually it’s me text first.
If others text me first, I’ll be sooo happy, so I just think maybe I text first will make others feel happy too ( am I wrong?
20, from Russia
August 15, 2023 10:27
August 15, 2023 10:27
it's not that important
but if only you always write first, then this is a reason to think haha
18, from France
August 19, 2023 15:50
August 19, 2023 15:50
I don't dare to write first, unless if the person liked my profile, it take it as a "i'd like to talk with you but i don't dare", as I do the same thing.
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