Postcards exchange:)

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Hello everyone who is looking this topic, I have several pieces of postcards, do you want to exchange it with me?
I have 3 kinds of postcards:

1. The first kind is manga:

-Shiryu of the anime named Saint Seiya: just this one. Bought in 30th anniversary exhibition in Beijing, 2018. (0/1)

2. The second kind is A Bite of Gansu (province):
Different food pictures, officially produced by China post.
-Sweet food (0/3)
-Salty food (0/3)

3. The third kind is Gansu Travel Postcards, Cultures of Gansu. Officially produced by China Post.
And I found 4 pieces about the Scenery of Taihang mountains.

-Scenery (3/4)
-Culture (0/5)
-Taihang mountains (0/4)

(sent quantity / total )

Modificato da Elea07 .

These kinds of postcard I hope🙂

-Culture of your place.
-anime/manga you like.

Thanks for your browse, whether you have the habit of snailmail or not.

Wish you a happy life.



Hi, nice to meet you🙂

I have interest in changing postcards

I have interest in changing postcards
OK, choose one you like😉

Scenery 😁

Questo argomento è inattivo da un po' e ora è di sola lettura.