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Do you like the Gothic Style?

I adore Gothic style let alone liking it simply. I find gothic buildings pretty awe-inspiring with their majestic size, luminous and airy atmosphere, phenomenal ornaments and so on. Gothic architecture expresses aspiration, growth, and development. On the contrary with classical architecture, it challenges with the limitations. I like its rebellious spirit at this point. It does not bother with perfection but imagination.

Cristian, do you mean the "modern" gothic fashion including dyed black hair, exotic hairstyles, dark lipstick and dark clothing? Or as diogenes_cask assumed the Gothic architecture from the middle ages.

Diogenes_cask, thank you for your view on Gothic style. You gave me some inspiration and backround to dive a little deeper in this time and its understanding of art. I know it`s your element and it is always illuminating to listen to someone who loves a subject.

Have a fabuously day, you two

Thank ti you guys for replies to my forum, gothic architecture is my favourite, about clothing I recommended an app called EMP store, the stuff is a bit expensive and there are different styles besides gothic, at the moment they are making updates and I have yet to use it.

I like the original gothic, but the neo gothic of the 19th century too! A pity, that we have in Germany today only boring new architecture!

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