Talk about you!

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Here you can talk about yourself. Say what worries you, vent, tell an anecdote, something particular about you or whatever you like, and you won't be judged! A thousand thanks!


I'm mostly use ParadoxMon as a nickname on the world wide web and I love to write [long] letters at the SLOWLY application and collect virtual stamps there too. Besides I'm deep in love with my fiance and anime/manga are a part of my life since my childhood.

Thank you for your attention.

I'm a citizen of the world. Really I truly believe that. I believe in a world without borders just boundaries. Just boundaries of respect.
I believe you can't have trust without honesty and you can't have honesty without trust.
I'm 55 but I am perpetually 15.
My assigned gender is female but I feel like I have no gender. I'm just human. I'm supposed to be white but I'm color blind I don't care about skin color. On myself or anyone else.
We are all the same. We just have different assignments and different missions and different life purposes.

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