I personally always accept them but recently I started 'cleaning up my friends' list since I don't talk to many of those people anymore. I send them only after I feel the person is my actual friend.
What about you? How often do you accept/send requests?
I don’t send much requests, but I have been receiving them lately. I accept the person to not seem rude, I send requests only when I get on a personal level with someone
I usually talk to this person and find that the other person is quite good, and then I accept the friend application.
And I avoid people who offend me.
I think six months is a time to wait before deciding on someone's friendship. I've thought about doing that.
But I still find that I'm a loner who speaks to no friend in all day and they are really just friendly or an acquaintance and they get on with their lives. My contact lists are graveyards haunted by some ghosts and most I never hear from again.