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How can I get rid of procrastination?!!!😭

I'll tell you later

I'll tell you later

Building your self discipline.

Sadly, no book or video or movie will give You a perfect solution. It can motivate You, what is valuable enough (not everything of course, it depends), but without Your self discipline and will You won't defeat the procrastination.

If it would be so easy, we would have successfull and happy people everywhere, with awesome careers they dream about. But many people, maybe even most of them, are unaware of this, they have lower expectations and needs... Etc.

Anyway, it seems You are conscious about wasting some of your time and potential.

Motivate Yourself with... I would call them "boosters". Some video on yt, deep serie or movie about getting stronger, healthier and better at something, take inspiration from real or fictional characters, and... Use it to implement better routines and behaviours.

And also one important thing: don't try to get 100lvls of Yourself on the next day or week. You will hit the wall and fall. Take it slowly, with little steps. Don't be tyrant for Yourself.

It's harder today because we live in times of monstrous amount of trashy informations attacking us from everywhere, we are overloaded and we are addicted to dopamine.

But You can do this. Don't worry.

I'll tell you after the first floor tells you.🌝

I'll tell you after the first floor tells you.🌝
Hahahah lmao

First : collect all your tasks.
Give your tasks a priority.
Calculate how many time you have to spend on those tasks.
And stick to the planning.
Dont make your planning to tight though...
You will see when you work your planning you feel good at the end of the day.

Making a daily routine is also good. Standing up the same time every morning for instance.

Greetings from a chaotic- not trying to be a chaotic person 😃

“Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” said, Christopher Parker. People usually try to overcome with procrastination's itself. But it is not a cause but a natural result of distress, concerns or even some fears. Therefore you need to figure the real root out and fight against it.

I'll tell you later
Good reply

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. Book by Brian Tracy
This book helped me lot . It can be down load free

Seems this “later” is a bit long huh? Lmao

I'll tell you later

Thank you for often giving me good advice!

Building your self discipline.

Sadly, no book or video or movie will give You a perfect solution. It can motivate You, what is valuable enough (not everything of course, it depends), but without Your self discipline and will You won't defeat the procrastination.

If it would be so easy, we would have successfull and happy people everywhere, with awesome careers they dream about. But many people, maybe even most of them, are unaware of this, they have lower expectations and needs... Etc.

Anyway, it seems You are conscious about wasting some of your time and potential.

Motivate Yourself with... I would call them "boosters". Some video on yt, deep serie or movie about getting stronger, healthier and better at something, take inspiration from real or fictional characters, and... Use it to implement better routines and behaviours.

And also one important thing: don't try to get 100lvls of Yourself on the next day or week. You will hit the wall and fall. Take it slowly, with little steps. Don't be tyrant for Yourself.

It's harder today because we live in times of monstrous amount of trashy informations attacking us from everywhere, we are overloaded and we are addicted to dopamine.

But You can do this. Don't worry.


I'll tell you after the first floor tells you.🌝

Thank you! Hope it can help!

First : collect all your tasks.
Give your tasks a priority.
Calculate how many time you have to spend on those tasks.
And stick to the planning.
Dont make your planning to tight though...
You will see when you work your planning you feel good at the end of the day.

Making a daily routine is also good. Standing up the same time every morning for instance.

Greetings from a chaotic- not trying to be a chaotic person 😃

Starting to fight against is so hard… I’ve been tried for several times but when every time I want to continue, my brain has its own thought and then I start to play, I don’t want to but I just can’t help it😫

“Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” said, Christopher Parker. People usually try to overcome with procrastination's itself. But it is not a cause but a natural result of distress, concerns or even some fears. Therefore you need to figure the real root out and fight against it.

Thanks for sharing this, I’ll read it after I finish my homework!

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. Book by Brian Tracy
This book helped me lot . It can be down load free

How can I get rid of procrastination?!!!😭

I'll tell you after the first floor tells you.🌝


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