What's your favorite book?

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Harry Potter, Percy Jackson,Hero of Olympus

Daddy long legg

“Damian” Herman hesse

The General in His Labyrinth
The Ordinary World
Three Body Problems
the Medieval trilogy

The Moon and Sixpence
Harry Potter
A brief history of time
Anna Karenina

Tour des Lebens
I know Lance Armstrong cheated to win the Tour de France, but the story about his fight against the cancer is inspiring anyway and even with doping most people won't be able to finish such a long tour

Tour des Lebens
I know Lance Armstrong cheated to win the Tour de France, but the story about his fight against the cancer is inspiring anyway and even with doping most people won't be able to finish such a long tour
You are too innocent... His cancer is marketing, he was a light cancer, more than 90% of people recovery about this same cancer than him...

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