only i think Penpal-gate made a crazy flop?

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long ago it was a pleasant platform ... for some time I have noticed a strong change ... I only see it?
what's wrong in your opinion? maybe I'm wrong?

Would you mind telling what is getting wrong here?
I think it's a good platform, maybe not perfect but less limitations than other websites...

Probably the only wrong thing is the increased fighting on the political forums but as moderators have 'freedom of speech' policy it cannot be stopped.

You mean that almost all threads changes and suddenly the topic is about justifying a war of aggression? That's true, freedom of speech shouldn't include the spread of propaganda.

Not necessarily justifying, both sides fight on the forums and by fighting, neither is right.

Not necessarily justifying, both sides fight on the forums and by fighting, neither is right.
Uhm I think it's alright to debate but yeah we should cool down and respect others' ideas

yeah I agree, the forum discussions have gotten a lot more intense. first it used to be a little friendly and common discussion but now there’s just too much politics

Probably the only wrong thing is the increased fighting on the political forums but as moderators have 'freedom of speech' policy it cannot be stopped.
True. I see some ugly names, insults, offense and so on. That's not the way of debating.

Probably the only wrong thing is the increased fighting on the political forums but as moderators have 'freedom of speech' policy it cannot be stopped.
True. I see some ugly names, insults, offense and so on. That's not the way of debating.
Yeah I agree

I've felt on these forums that the topics have been sterile until a shift in world order recently stirred passionate discussion. I have seen the evil of free-reigning speech on group discussions and depending on the formatting, they have lead many people including self-respecting adults into the vortex of jumping into the frey. I believe there's a good and a bad way of online commedy, a bad one that tempts a lack of discipline from crass memes and jokes innocently meant to knock off tension but end up unruly. Online is diffcult to get a real idea of how someone is intending to convey their point. Often leading to misunderstandings and ego safeguards.

Отредактировано пользователем DanielWeathers .

Well, yes, people are clearly getting kind of "more agressive", almost always about politics (rarely in other subjects but still...)

I think people should stop considering their opinions as facts, as everyone claims to be right... (anyway they are just fighting) and respect every other's opinion... That's the true base of debating.

People also should stop throwing aggressively their opinions to every other's face, I mean... Sometimes I really feel like some people are waiting for a person to answer to IMMEDIATELY dissect EVERY SINGLE THING they don't agree with in the answer, in a quite agressive way (as some of you said).

To sum up :
You can't always agree, but you can respect.

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