地狱级笑话?——The funniest joke you've ever heard about.

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Let's laugh !

There are three crazy insane persons in the madhouse. The doctor want to check out them. He says, that he wants to go out to the road with them. Now, there are in front of the road. The cars are driving on the road.

The doctor says: I will give you a chocolate, when you are ready to Jump on the road.

The first insane person is jumping. He is driven over. He died.

The second insane person is jumping. He is driven over. He died.

The third insane person is waiting.

The doctor think, that the third person is gonna be healthy and ask: Why you are waiting?

The third insane person says: I‘m waiting for a truck. I want a big chocolate.

Baekhyun: Do you think technology will replace paper?
Chen: I don’t think people will want to wipe their butts with mobile

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