Skin positivity

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Does it mean that a person accepts his/her skin as it is?

I think it's about accepting yourself the way you are, and having the freedom of being/looking however you want, and not as the society would like you to be?

I think it's about accepting yourself the way you are, and having the freedom of being/looking however you want, and not as the society would like you to be?

That's a good answer

You can talk about skin positivity here

Skin positivity is good when it’s about a healthy skin. If I eat bad things my skin is bad, If I eat healthy my skin is good. But some times even if I eat good, my menstruation effects my skin too.

We should accept our skin. But we can’t accept our skin when it’s unhealthy, think of people who don’t wash their face, who don’t use natural products to make their skin healthy.

We need to accept our skin, yes. But to be honest: we should live healthy. And I thinks it’s bad that we say all the time we should be positive about fat people or people who don’t drink milk. I think it’s a bad thing. We always should be nice to each other with or without the movement of positivity. People who gained more are also humans, but if we tell a person who is really unhealthy fat, that it’s a good thing and we should embrace it, than we are making a mistake. We should never hurt those people, but let’s stay realistic: its unhealthy. We should not try to make it something that’s normal and okay.

The same thing with becoming old. People try to change their appearance to stay young. They can do whatever they want but let’s not try to make all this movements normal human things.

Yes we can be fat, we can have bad skin, we can be ourselves, but let not make that a normal thing. That’s sick.

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.