What will you choose? De todo y un poco más

If you had the opportunity to choose one of these, which one would you choose?

Option 1 : 
Free Lifetime Travel Expenses + free
flight tickets

Option 2 : 
A loyal partner + unlimited love

Option 3 : 
lifetime Unlimited food + Shopping

Option 4 : 
A beautiful small village house in
the middle of the jungle + a loyal
friend +( no stress , no depression)

Only choose one 😍........

I'll choose Option 01 😍✈️

Editado por Open_Sky .


Option 4 😌👌🏻

This is horribly complicated but the 3d one is certainly not for me😆
I'd go for either 2 or 4 (:

1 if I had with whom to travel

The first one I'd like to travel to more places.

It's a no brainer for me. Option 1, hands down 🙂


Option 1 all the way !!!!

Option 4. Sooner or later, all the other options lead into this option in the end.

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