Looking for a penpal (online!)

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I am looking for a penpal with whom i can share my day, problems, dreams, ask things about homework and anything.
I would prefer a girl because I had a penpal but he was a guy and started flirting🙄
Also i would like a penpal around my age.
At school my best friend is pretty negative and I can't really talk to him..
I look forward hearing from you!😃

I would like to talk online but maybe eventually send postcards.

Επεξεργάστηκε από τον/την Freija_ajierf .

Hey there (: I would be interested, if you like to. I'm already 17, so a bit older than you, but it's not really a problem, I guess.

Hi Rheya ,I would love to be your Penpal and to talk with you .So if you are interested write me a message . 😊

hi.Rheya.I am a boy.But i won't do that😂I already had a crush.But i am a little shy.so u need to be active at first.😅And when we getting know to each other.I will keep talking.

hi , i am a girl. May i be your penpal, you can share your problems and other things with me. I am a good listener. 🙂

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