Traveling vor longer time Всякая всячина

Maybe we can just talk about experiences by traveling, what you think is important, traveling with different animals, for example with a dog (horse?), also about the most beautiful places you’ve discovered, the different ways to travel (tent/ caravan/ bead and breakfast etc.) etc.

All around traveling 🙂

Oh that‘s rally embarrassing traveling „vor“ longer time 🙈🙈🙈
My autocorrect is in German so… :/

Maybe we can just talk about experiences by traveling, what you think is important, traveling with different animals, for example with a dog (horse?), also about the most beautiful places you’ve discovered, the different ways to travel (tent/ caravan/ bead and breakfast etc.) etc.

All around traveling 🙂

I've never travelled with an animal. and i think travelling in a caravan would be cool! i usually go on road trips in my car

We travel with our two dogs most of the time. Most of the trips are just camping trips but we've also taken them down to San Diego when we attended my niece's college graduation. We have a stroller for them and can push them around in that. They're smaller dogs so they can't walk that far. We usually can find restaurants with outdoor seating where they can be in their stroller while we eat. We also have bicycle seats for them so they can ride on the backs of our bicycles when we travel somewhere.

I think the most beautiful place we've been with the dogs is Lake Tahoe. We've also been to many other beautiful places with them, Yosemite, Mono Lake, Mammoth Lakes, Monterey and Morro Bay.

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