I'm looking for people to exchange letters with. Tutto e niente

Hi, I'm Fiona from Germany and I'm looking for female friends to exchange letters with. I'm renting a PO box so I can give you an address without worrying because on the one hand I like to talk to the person first to get to know them a bit before exchanging addresses but on the other hand I don't want to spend weeks writing online. Especially because I try to use technology as little as possible and I'm not online very often. (I have left email notifications on for this website so I know when someone contacts me) The vast amount of people online makes it incredibly difficult for me to find suitable and interesting people so I thought I would create a forum entry to introduce myself and so that you could reply.
I like to write very long and personal letters. I don't particularly care about making the letter and envelope look like a work of art. I'm all about sharing openly and honestly with people and making real friends. So feel free to tell me about yourself, but not too superficially. I like to hear what's on your mind and what's occupying you. I also have a weakness for giving advice. I'm looking for people who can talk a lot but also ask questions so you can have a good conversation.
As for interests, I am a very nature-oriented person. I have a cat and a horse and basically need to spend at least time in the garden every day to make it a good day. My favourite thing to do is go cycling or hiking. I love the atmosphere in nature and the sun on my skin. Our world is so noisy and fast nowadays and nature is a contrast to that. There I can just sit down, enjoy the fresh air, listen to the birds and reflect on my thoughts. I think it is very important to have a place where you can engage with yourself. What is your place for that? Do you keep a diary or something like that to sort out your thoughts or is that not your thing at all?
Something else that is very close to my heart is music. All my life I have played music (saxophone and piano) or danced to it (ballet and modern dance) or just listened to music. I like to listen to classical music but also, for example, music from the 80s because it always puts me in a good mood.
What does music mean to you?
When you meet new people, I think the most important thing is to understand that you don't know their story and you don't know what's going on in their life. Also, that after talking to the person for the first time, you have only got to know one side of the person and should not judge a person afterwards or on the basis of first impressions.
How can you tell if you could get along with a person?
There is still so much I couldn't write here and I know there is so much to learn about you, so feel free to private message me if you think you'd like to exchange letters with me.
(Personally, I'm always scared that people online aren't who they say they are. If you're also unsure, you can visit my YouTube channel. I used to upload study with me videos, so you can see there that I am who I say I am. My channel is named Quiet Grasshopper.)

Hello. I am interested.

Hi, I'm Fiona from Germany and I'm looking for female friends to exchange letters with. I'm renting a PO box so I can give you an address without worrying because on the one hand I like to talk to the person first to get to know them a bit before exchanging addresses but on the other hand I don't want to spend weeks writing online. Especially because I try to use technology as little as possible and I'm not online very often. (I have left email notifications on for this website so I know when someone contacts me) The vast amount of people online makes it incredibly difficult for me to find suitable and interesting people so I thought I would create a forum entry to introduce myself and so that you could reply.
I like to write very long and personal letters. I don't particularly care about making the letter and envelope look like a work of art. I'm all about sharing openly and honestly with people and making real friends. So feel free to tell me about yourself, but not too superficially. I like to hear what's on your mind and what's occupying you. I also have a weakness for giving advice. I'm looking for people who can talk a lot but also ask questions so you can have a good conversation.
As for interests, I am a very nature-oriented person. I have a cat and a horse and basically need to spend at least time in the garden every day to make it a good day. My favourite thing to do is go cycling or hiking. I love the atmosphere in nature and the sun on my skin. Our world is so noisy and fast nowadays and nature is a contrast to that. There I can just sit down, enjoy the fresh air, listen to the birds and reflect on my thoughts. I think it is very important to have a place where you can engage with yourself. What is your place for that? Do you keep a diary or something like that to sort out your thoughts or is that not your thing at all?
Something else that is very close to my heart is music. All my life I have played music (saxophone and piano) or danced to it (ballet and modern dance) or just listened to music. I like to listen to classical music but also, for example, music from the 80s because it always puts me in a good mood.
What does music mean to you?
When you meet new people, I think the most important thing is to understand that you don't know their story and you don't know what's going on in their life. Also, that after talking to the person for the first time, you have only got to know one side of the person and should not judge a person afterwards or on the basis of first impressions.
How can you tell if you could get along with a person?
There is still so much I couldn't write here and I know there is so much to learn about you, so feel free to private message me if you think you'd like to exchange letters with me.
(Personally, I'm always scared that people online aren't who they say they are. If you're also unsure, you can visit my YouTube channel. I used to upload study with me videos, so you can see there that I am who I say I am. My channel is named Quiet Grasshopper.)

Questo argomento è inattivo da un po' e ora è di sola lettura.