Looking for pen pals! Sitä ja tätä

Hello! I was looking for a pen pal, and I thought this was a good way to get one. I don’t really care about age. My name is Charlotte but you can call me Charlie. I’m 12 years old, and am looking for a pen pal that is willing to teach me a language (Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Korean, Spanish, Chinese). I would also be more than happy to teach them English. I am also looking for a friend I can talk with, that has a lot in common with me. It’s preferred if they could speak English. Don’t hesitate to text me. I can’t wait to see what amazing new people I meet! 😇

Angel_08 muokkasi tätä .

Hi Charlie : )

Hello, you can mail me snail mail or e mail which ever you prefer and i can teach you Hindi and if you are totally new to french. Message me

I’m French and I’m searching for an English pen pal. You can contact me if you are interested, i would be happy to teach you French and to learn English

Heyy Charlie! I can learn you French, a bit of German and a bit of Korean 🙂)

Heyy Charlie! I can learn you French, a bit of German and a bit of Korean 🙂)
That’d be awesome!

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.