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wanna join a penpal whatsApp group?? Alles en nog wat

Let's make a penpal whatsApp group where people can share their thoughts and discuss about different topics and share memes, etc.

Link deleted

You can join through this link

aangepast door BartL .

I really like your idea, but I don't think many people will be willing to give there numbers. Take my parents for example, I'm not allowed to share my number anywhere other than sites where I'm registering for competitions and of course with my irl friends lol
+ for people like me who have 15 subjects and one group for one subject, and irl friend chats, the penpal group will be a HUGE load, I'm guessing many people will share "Good Morning" messages, etc which just distracts

Maybe thats right. But I'll just give the join link so if anyone wanna join they can.

It's just for fun right. So it won't be a big deal I think.

in a way i think it is a nice and great idea

You can join through the join link there☺☺


i’m sorry but they will block this forum very soon.. (i think). cause it has happened a lot of times with WhatsApp chats links

i’m sorry but they will block this forum very soon.. (i think). cause it has happened a lot of times with WhatsApp chats links
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