[moved] Do Ghost/demon Really Exist??

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tell me what you think?

Bearbeitet von ernaF .
Ray Ray

Honestly I don't really know, but in a way I sorta believe that they do. I've always found that sorta stuff interesting. So i guess they can exist since no one has proven they don't exist. How else can you explain phonemena that can't be explained with science and all that. Believe it or not but i also think that magic exists but that's a whole different matter I guess.

ghosts only exsist in movies , like casper the ghost. but spirits exsist in the real world as do demons. but thts just my thinking. bc i belivein magick.if ur questioning the way i spell "magick" this is the real stuff. but this "magic" is ur magicans pulling a rabitt out of a hat. not the study of nature + useing ur energy for a good use not for evil. comment me if u would like 2 learn more.

Bearbeitet von Savy .

>>ghosts only exsist in movies , like casper the ghost. but spirits exsist in the real world>>

I agree with that.

Bearbeitet von Nakertaja .

Ghosts and spirits do exist, they're called hallucination.

Brains making you see what you really don't see, and hear what you wanna hear.
It's proven that some conditions (darkness, cold, sounds, surroundings) has effect that makes you hallucinate.
Imagine you're in an old shrieking house with wind blowing through the windows in the midnight with sheets hanging from the ceiling, you can say you get the feeling that somethings there. And it helps the hallucination if you're already believing in them.

I'm not talking about schizophrenia, with hallucination. Everyone hallucinates, imagines they heard something although nothing made a sound, you were thinking about it. Like i hear every once in a while that my phone rings but nobody really called me.

EDIT: Damned smileys,
yellow balls appeared in my text. 😉

Bearbeitet von Taikeri .

HaHa! It's funny. I don't believe supernatural things. Lots of people say they've seen ghost, jin, demon, imp or just like these things, they can't show any evidence. It's because of hallucination. Like dreams. A psychological trouble.

its possible, there's more proof that they do exist then they dont in my opinion.

but some people do get kind of overbourd when they try to proove it. I dont really think it matters wether they do or dont unless I was one.

i believe they do (:

Honestly I don't really know, but in a way I sorta believe that they do. I've always found that sorta stuff interesting. So i guess they can exist since no one has proven they don't exist. How else can you explain phonemena that can't be explained with science and all that. Believe it or not but i also think that magic exists but that's a whole different matter I guess.
I think so too. :arabia

I believe in ghosts,spirits and demons... 🙂

I believe they're real, but most people will only believe what they can see

no. it's impossible to that imagine for me. if there is a ghost there are angels too? but why don't they stop the war on world?

my physics teacher always says. we need no good for explaining the nature and how it works. but we need good cause we don't know what the beginning of everything was.

but maybee we will find out that someday too

however i believ in good.. but not in ghosts demons or stuff like this

I do believe that spirits are around us, ghosts I am not sure but spirits, when an animal dies I think it's spirit does stay around, when a human dies, the energy is still present even if the body isn't.

Thats what I believe.


its possible, there's more proof that they do exist then they dont in my opinion.
You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are NOT entitled to own facts.

No, they do not exist. There is no conclusive proof that they do, therefore, we can safely assume that they don't.

Saying that you believe in them because there is no proof that they don't exist is logically fallacious. There is also no evidence that leprechauns and unicorns don't exist. Therefore, you have to believe in them as well.

The burden of proof lies with the one making the positive claim. If I claim there are no spirits, I don't have to prove a negative. You have to prove my negative opinion wrong with positive evidence.

No, they do not exist. There is no conclusive proof that they do, therefore, we can safely assume that they don't.

Saying that you believe in them because there is no proof that they don't exist is logically fallacious. There is also no evidence that leprechauns and unicorns don't exist. Therefore, you have to believe in them as well.

The burden of proof lies with the one making the positive claim. If I claim there are no spirits, I don't have to prove a negative. You have to prove my negative opinion wrong with positive evidence.

Don't turn this into a theological debate. Honestly, it's horrible seeing a science follower try and start one.

No, they do not exist. There is no conclusive proof that they do, therefore, we can safely assume that they don't.

Saying that you believe in them because there is no proof that they don't exist is logically fallacious. There is also no evidence that leprechauns and unicorns don't exist. Therefore, you have to believe in them as well.

The burden of proof lies with the one making the positive claim. If I claim there are no spirits, I don't have to prove a negative. You have to prove my negative opinion wrong with positive evidence.

Don't turn this into a theological debate. Honestly, it's horrible seeing a science follower try and start one.
I was stating my reason for not believing that spirits exist. I just explained it differently.

No, they do not exist. There is no conclusive proof that they do, therefore, we can safely assume that they don't.

Saying that you believe in them because there is no proof that they don't exist is logically fallacious. There is also no evidence that leprechauns and unicorns don't exist. Therefore, you have to believe in them as well.

The burden of proof lies with the one making the positive claim. If I claim there are no spirits, I don't have to prove a negative. You have to prove my negative opinion wrong with positive evidence.

But isn't the whole reason there is no proof because you need to be able to make a phenomena happen repeatedly and get the same results. Think about it, if you were dead would you want to sit there and have to go through the same boring test a hundred times and keep doing the same thing?

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