How can I get a lady to like me? Ladies do you have advice?

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I need help

I do 🙋🏻‍♀️
You should ask some open minded questions, like "what are you doing in the weekend" which doesn't require a yes or no answer
One more -- when she like doesn't want to talk, don't keep messaging her. It'll only irritate and annoy her more.

Get to know some of her interests -- like what kind of music she enjoys -- and try to include that in your conversation. Suppose she likes Pop, try to get some good and famous Pop songs.

Also, I have to warn you though. I don't know if it happens in America too or not, but in India when we ladies smile like 🙂, then beware! It's our anger level PRO MAX. More dangerous than a angry face.

That's all I have now. Will update if I get some more 😉

Be yourself and be interesting

In America women are a lot more scary but it is worth it

Do ladies like charming, funny, sweet and strong guys?

It depends. Every lady likes something else. But definitely be yourself. If you're generally funny, then don't be less funny in front of the lady you like

I agree with LuciaFuchs, just be yourself. 🙂

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