Searching for a letter friend :D De todo y un poco más

My name is Meltem and I'm from Germany. I would like to find a letter friend who is a girl at my age (21) or near to it. I'm thinking about a long time letter friendship. It would be nice to find someone especially from far away, for example from Japan or China. But other countries are possible too of course.
I would be happy when some people show interest. Just write me if you have! 🙂

Meltem 🙂

I am intrested

I'm Dyna from Algeria and I am also searching for a friend in my age 15 . A girl or a boy( but I want that there is respect between us ) I want a real long time letter like we stay friends and maybe we'll meet each other someday . It will be awesome.
Hope you answer me .

The best qoute I heard was ¨United we stand, divided we fall¨

Wrong one. But I am also looking for a letter friend

Im Luisa from Germany and 17 years old. Im also trying to find a letter friend from somewhere. It can be a boy or a girl around my age.
It would be great, if someone is interested. Just answer me, if you are. 🙂

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