[ for teenagers ] Do you thinks all muslims are terrorists ?

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Well, people, if you thinks so, you're wrong !
Yes, there are some muslims that blow up things and stuff.
But do you really think that we [the most muslims in the world] thinks that's good?
It's horrible ! no123
They should stop!
But the world must also stop thinking that all muslims are the same !
No, I don't blow things up.
No, I don't hate the West.
No, I don't cover my whole body up [some muslims do that, and that's their choice !]
Yes, I am Muslim

So, for the people that still believe that all muslims are the same, stop it !
And for the people that don't think that; Thanks !

Well that's my opinion. If you aren't agree, Sorry !

Greetz from Holland !
Make the best of your life ! 😉

[ O, yeah, sorry if I've made lots of spelling mistakes. ]

not at all...and this applies for 'all terrorists are muslims' which is also wrong

So yeah! I perfectly agree with you!
Well, me, I don't have a religion..But, in my life i live with people who are catholics, jews...and muslims and they are not terrorists and they are really good people!
I don't think the religion make them terrorist or i don't know, it's just the culture they had from their families and the influences..
anyway to answer..I don't think so 😃
Peace everyone...& love 🙂

So yeah! I perfectly agree with you!
Well, me, I don't have a religion..But, in my life i live with people who are catholics, jews...and muslims and they are not terrorists and they are really good people!
I don't think the religion make them terrorist or i don't know, it's just the culture they had from their families and the influences..
anyway to answer..I don't think so 😃
Peace everyone...& love 🙂
Heea !
Good you think so too !
I'm quite hurt if someone hate muslim.
Ah, yeah, shit happens.
Thanks that you agree with me !

winkiss Bayyaa !

i have to agree Muslims are not terrorists. Terrorists come in many shapes and forms they could come from any country, so stop pointing the finger at Muslims.

i have to agree Muslims are not terrorists. Terrorists come in many shapes and forms they could come from any country, so stop pointing the finger at Muslims.
Good you think the same way !

no, not at all 🙂
everyone could be terrorist, it's NOT "Muslims = terrorists" 🙂

I totally agree with you.
I've got a classmate, who is muslim.
And that girl is so lovely. She always make me laugh. She's absolutely not terrorist. xD
I don't have religion. And I think terrorism isn't a question of religion.

aff aff
no, not at all 🙂
everyone could be terrorist, it's NOT "Muslims = terrorists" 🙂
totally agree

Yeah, It's a truth, Muslims are Terrorists! ... Lol no, it's a jokle! ( Yeah, i think it's possible to laugh of everythings, but not with everybody!) Problem of this question it's you have to ask than every muslims are not terrorists, it's an evidence! True question is Islam is a religion who invite to terrorism ? Islam is a violent religion ? Islam is a dangerous religion ?

I'm in France and in the south of France. As my country have a lot of links with African country (who was french colony during a long time) a big part of our population is composed by population of theses country (Algeria, Maroc, Tunisia, Senegal, etc...) And often or everytime, theses populations are Muslim! So i'm in a country who is one of the more exposed at this "problem", this question!
I have a lot of friends who trust in Muslim Religion, and i respect it, but to be honnest, i don't like this religion. And i don't want that muslims wants to be offended by this, it's my choice, and i think it's better to me to be honnest and say my opinion than say "yes yes" even if i'm not agree and be unethical! You have to consider my honesty as a respect mark!
If i don't like this religion, it's because as a lot of religions, Islam imagine to possess unic truth! All other religions are estimated as false by Islam. I don't say it because i support Christians, It was the same thing with Christianism in Europe, when this religion was imposed as the one and unic. Theses 2 big religions can't admit than somebody else have the truth. And 2 Unic truth, it's impossible... so they are in oposition!
Only worshiping can if they want say "i accept somebody else can trust other thing than me, but it's not what is saying in the sacred book, it's the fidel who accept to be tolerant in spite of his religion, and not thanks to... this is an independent idea of the fundamental text.

So What i don't like too, it's peoples who are saying terrorists are false, they misunderstand what is saying in the sacred book... they misunderstand! it's just an interpretation problem... the text let an interpretation place. If pacific and comprehensive interpretations are presents, war interpretation too and theses are two possible interpretations, no one is better than other because it's interpretations. it's not becaus peace interpretation is more nice than it's the better!
It's a text who can be Ambiguous.
And to finish, i don't like because it's a conqueror religion. It's in link with precedent idea: if you believe to have the truth, you want to diffuse this truth!

So, you know why i don't like this religion, but i admit than the main european religion, Christianism had the same problems during 20 century! Even if actualy this religion is retracted and maybe more adjusted with "good" feelings than before, i could make the same critize for this religion.

Terrorism is not a muslim problem. Unhappy, KKK terrorist existed, and they are against Muslims too... members of diferent sects could be terrorists without be muslim! independentists could be terrorists, but they arn't all terrorists!
I have a lot of muslim friends and i'm happy: they are not terrorists! XD They trust, it's their choice and i respect it even if i'm not oblige to be agree or to like what they like.

Отредактировано пользователем Cosaque .

Do you think all jews or catholic are terrorists?
We can't judg .hey folk 2pac said "ONLY GOD CAN JUDG US" so we can't know what the people think ; just we can be good
I am muslim and we have a lot of ruls which oblige us to be good folk and to help all people.

I don't think anyone on this site is close-minded enough to think that all muslims are terrorists. Unfortunately there are terrorists from nearly every race, religion, and country and those people paint a terrible picture of entire groups of people.

So you don't have to worry about being judged my friend, I am a follower of Jesus and not a muslim but I love you 🙂

I agree with you.
muslims are terrorists is totally wrong.
I don't have religion. But I think it's not fair to have bias for this🙂

I think this theme`s stupid as well
Muslims`re ordinary people,they`ve got their own life
Don`t bother them

Yeah, It's a truth, Muslims are Terrorists! ... Lol no, it's a jokle! ( Yeah, i think it's possible to laugh of everythings, but not with everybody!) Problem of this question it's you have to ask than every muslims are not terrorists, it's an evidence! True question is Islam is a religion who invite to terrorism ? Islam is a violent religion ? Islam is a dangerous religion ?

I'm in France and in the south of France. As my country have a lot of links with African country (who was french colony during a long time) a big part of our population is composed by population of theses country (Algeria, Maroc, Tunisia, Senegal, etc...) And often or everytime, theses populations are Muslim! So i'm in a country who is one of the more exposed at this "problem", this question!
I have a lot of friends who trust in Muslim Religion, and i respect it, but to be honnest, i don't like this religion. And i don't want that muslims wants to be offended by this, it's my choice, and i think it's better to me to be honnest and say my opinion than say "yes yes" even if i'm not agree and be unethical! You have to consider my honesty as a respect mark!
If i don't like this religion, it's because as a lot of religions, Islam imagine to possess unic truth! All other religions are estimated as false by Islam. I don't say it because i support Christians, It was the same thing with Christianism in Europe, when this religion was imposed as the one and unic. Theses 2 big religions can't admit than somebody else have the truth. And 2 Unic truth, it's impossible... so they are in oposition!
Only worshiping can if they want say "i accept somebody else can trust other thing than me, but it's not what is saying in the sacred book, it's the fidel who accept to be tolerant in spite of his religion, and not thanks to... this is an independent idea of the fundamental text.

So What i don't like too, it's peoples who are saying terrorists are false, they misunderstand what is saying in the sacred book... they misunderstand! it's just an interpretation problem... the text let an interpretation place. If pacific and comprehensive interpretations are presents, war interpretation too and theses are two possible interpretations, no one is better than other because it's interpretations. it's not becaus peace interpretation is more nice than it's the better!
It's a text who can be Ambiguous.
And to finish, i don't like because it's a conqueror religion. It's in link with precedent idea: if you believe to have the truth, you want to diffuse this truth!

So, you know why i don't like this religion, but i admit than the main european religion, Christianism had the same problems during 20 century! Even if actualy this religion is retracted and maybe more adjusted with "good" feelings than before, i could make the same critize for this religion.

Terrorism is not a muslim problem. Unhappy, KKK terrorist existed, and they are against Muslims too... members of diferent sects could be terrorists without be muslim! independentists could be terrorists, but they arn't all terrorists!
I have a lot of muslim friends and i'm happy: they are not terrorists! XD They trust, it's their choice and i respect it even if i'm not oblige to be agree or to like what they like.

Good that you shared your opinion ! Oh, yeah, I laughed at your first joke ;P But hé, good you're telling the truth ! And oh, I heared there was a problem in France? The government wanted all foreigners who commit a crime to send their own country of something like that ? Well, I's good that you're honest, and I respect your opinion !

I don't think anyone on this site is close-minded enough to think that all muslims are terrorists. Unfortunately there are terrorists from nearly every race, religion, and country and those people paint a terrible picture of entire groups of people.

So you don't have to worry about being judged my friend, I am a follower of Jesus and not a muslim but I love you 🙂

Whahha, good. I love you too then :yes

Thank you Comarit to accept my message without prejudge! It's unhappy that a lot of people don't see the infinity of point of view between two far (2 extremity).
About your Question, it's true, It's a french project who want to send in their country foreigners who make a crime or to remove french nationality for french who win nationality but who commit outlaw acts!
It's only a part of the law project, but i think it's a big #####, a ridiculous law. Why do you want kepp in his country a people who come back a week more later ? conclusion: it's just a law to provoke a debate about national identity, and security, because when you talk about this, you can remove liberty and you create an illusion: you don't talk about economical problems or about true subjects who should be resolved! I don't want talk more about this because it's a difficult problem but i would like to conclude with a quotation:
"Michel Rocard "LA FRANCE ne peut accueillir toute la misère du monde, mais elle doit savoir en prendre fidèlement sa part." (my bad translation) France could not accept all misery of the world, but France have to accept his part of misery!"
Illegal inmigration is a social, an economical problem and we can't accept everybody, but we have to try to make something with foreign populations when it's possible. France is born with foreigners, (as europe)!

Terrorism happens and there are reasons.
No one deserve that though =D
And I don't think the religion is the problem!

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