Your nickname?

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my one is Rush cuz my real name is Rashmike🧧 and I'm always rush😶😐

Editado por Rashmika_D_Sanjane .

Mine is "Cherry" but my real name is Yashvi. Cute right?

yea It is😄

mine is Jojo ,and my real name is Joy

I am Chinese.My nickname is 米咻(Chinese)I have this nickname because its pronunciation is like my English name Michelle

Aly Rocchy, Ali09, Ali, or Alice that's my name 😉


Mine r nethu, neth (coz my real name is nethmi ) and kitty 🤭

Lawi 😭

Mine r nethu, neth (coz my real name is nethmi ) and kitty 🤭
Shall I call you kitty😂😹🐈🐈🐈

Lawi 😭
Lawi huh? not bad😁

I am Chinese.My nickname is 米咻(Chinese)I have this nickname because its pronunciation is like my English name Michelle
honestly confused😐but cool🤗😁

mine is Jojo ,and my real name is Joy
hello! finally got r name😁

Mine r nethu, neth (coz my real name is nethmi ) and kitty 🤭
Shall I call you kitty😂😹🐈🐈🐈
Mine r nethu, neth (coz my real name is nethmi ) and kitty 🤭
Shall I call you kitty😂😹🐈🐈🐈
😹😹Go on

Mohi and Moiii are my nicknames 😂 my real name is Mohitha

Mohi and Moiii are my nicknames 😂 my real name is Mohitha
Moi is also French for "me"

Mohi and Moiii are my nicknames 😂 my real name is Mohitha
Moi is also French for "me"
Yeah, I know right? 😂

Mine is Elo. When I say it to children, I just explain "like Hello (Elo) Kitty" to help them to remember ;-;

Editado por EloBlue .