Your Inner Journey - is it important to you

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Let me be honest. I don't mind 'small talk' every once in a while, but it quickly bores me. I prefer to get to the truth of who you are (not to judge, but to rather truly know you) and so prefer to speak of matters that holds some substance for you.

I want to talk about Life, about God, about Love, about the state of humanity, about true friendship and passion and intimacy. I want to know if you love yourself, value yourself and if you can look upon another human being as an equal. I want to know if you care about the Earth.

I want to get to know the True You.

That's the spirit! No pun intended... 🙂

During life and one's journey through it, the answers to these questions may continuously shift as we are ever learning.

Every day a new thought, every new encounter a new layer to our existence.

I think it's wonderful actually, and that is challenges included.

Im on a intense journey right now. I Started to love myself in the last few months. Now I See and slowly Start to understand the suffering my whole life before.

Very well that you asking for this question.
My whole life in focused on my self findig progress. we have so much various facettes in us, some facettes are healed and well and other facettes are hurted. i think its in the whole life a progress. when i`m reflecting myself, its my second time where im going trough a deep changed with myself. it must be happen because just trough this progress we can be a better person for ourself. hurted things must be, that we can reflect us and that we can changed the decisions. At moment im again on a deeper self finding progress because the life forced me to make a bigger change.

i wish all the best and stay positive 🎉🥳

Just trying to focus on to be in control of my mind and emotions. I tend to make very impulsive decisions based on emotion, sometimes. And almost immediately realize about it. Now trying to be not to get too emotionally involved with anything and be in charge of my emotions and try not to be dependent on others to be happy 🙂 in short, being positive.

I've gone through a lot of inner work to get to the state I'm in these days. I'm more in maintenance mode these days as opposed to doing regular work. However life has a way of presenting one with work even in maintenance mode so it does come up from time to time.

I'd say that I do have love for myself and I do approach most people as equals although their actions do cause me to judge them and either increase or lower my impression of them but I usually start them all as equals.

I also enjoy talking about life, my belief systems, humanity, the human experience and other things. However I sometimes need to establish a level of trust and respect with people before revealing a lot about myself.

I relate to this significantly. Ever since forming a relationship with myself I've learnt and unlearnt alot which eventually caused me to realise many of my relationships and interactions were based on surfaced level stuff - the latest gossip etc. I outgrew these relationships as I increasingly learnt about myself + humans + the world and understood there was much deeper meaning to life and humans than what I had been conditioned to understand. I've not yet found many people around me who share and apply this understanding as I'm 18 years old and haven't met many people outside my circles of family, school and church, but fortunately enough I've gotten to meet many people online who I have learnt about and from. I still have much discovery of self and the world to do and look forward to doing so through getting to know the true side of people rather than extract very little from small talk.

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