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So I'm aroace, but I have a lot of unused romantic energy, that if not released otherwise will probably end up in arson, so I thought it would be fun to exchange overexaggerated love letters with strangers, but like people my age bc otherwise it might be a bit weird. So if anyone is interested in doing that (I legit don't care about gender, just tell me what pronouns to use anyone can join in) just hit up my DMs, tell me just a bit about yourself ( the important stuff, like your name, your favourite colour, your aesthetic, and if you have pets, if you do have pets I demand photos of said pets) so they are a bit personolized and well they're gonna be a bit cringe anyway. Maybe we can even create a litlle network of people that write loveletters into the void, as if we were lovesick victorians, big light academia vibes and all that... Idk it seemed like a fun idea to me

That sounds like a wonderful idea. But now I do not feel that romantic as before ;-; When my heart shines as it used to do I would be happy to take part in this idea of yours

Nice one, Great idea. i could try but the age......

It must be amazing

wow you are a genius! the same thing happens to me. so how do we do? 😂

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