Photography: The Universal Language

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Dear All,
We have many photographers in our group, the rich experience and knowledge in this field. If everyone shares new ideas and techniques in this field, it will be helpful for others to learn.

I think Photography is really cool! I've been fascinated with taking photos for a long time. I love sky photography, nature photography and also book photography.

I'd like to get into photography. I like nature photography, animal photography, and aesthetics.

Getting into photography now is so much easier than it was when I was growing up. Almost everyone had a fairly good camera in their phone these days. So it's relatively easy to take photos that can be wonderful. One also doesn't have to pay for expensive film and processing, so it's much cheaper than it used to be as well.

I have enjoyed photography for over 50 years since my childhood. The first "real" camera I had was one I got when I was about 16 when I bought a Minolta SLR 102. I eventually bought a couple of lenses for it as well and had a great time taking photos. I was fortunate enough to get a dark room in my home and did black and white film processing and printing during that time. I eventually did some color film processing and printing in college, but the materials were too expensive to do at home.

I took four photography classes during college and really got most of my skills from those classes.

If one really wants to get serious about photography they need a camera that allows you to choose the shutter speed and aperture. The good thing is many inexpensive digital cameras allow you to do this. If you get an SLR (single lens reflex ) camera you can buy multiple lenses and learn to use those. Although having a camera with a zoom lens will allow you to do some of the things you can do with multiple lenses.

The thing that most people don't understand about photography is depth of field. This is the amount of a scene that will be in focus. This is affected by the aperture used when the photo is taken in combination with the focal length of the lens.

I have some of my pictures up on my profile and invite people to check them out. The ones I posted there most recently are pictures of sunrises and sunsets. I also have pictures of my pets and the last ones are pictures from concerts I've attended. Those are my favorite photos overall.

Getting into photography now is so much easier than it was when I was growing up. Almost everyone had a fairly good camera in their phone these days. So it's relatively easy to take photos that can be wonderful. One also doesn't have to pay for expensive film and processing, so it's much cheaper than it used to be as well.

I have enjoyed photography for over 50 years since my childhood. The first "real" camera I had was one I got when I was about 16 when I bought a Minolta SLR 102. I eventually bought a couple of lenses for it as well and had a great time taking photos. I was fortunate enough to get a dark room in my home and did black and white film processing and printing during that time. I eventually did some color film processing and printing in college, but the materials were too expensive to do at home.

I took four photography classes during college and really got most of my skills from those classes.

If one really wants to get serious about photography they need a camera that allows you to choose the shutter speed and aperture. The good thing is many inexpensive digital cameras allow you to do this. If you get an SLR (single lens reflex ) camera you can buy multiple lenses and learn to use those. Although having a camera with a zoom lens will allow you to do some of the things you can do with multiple lenses.

The thing that most people don't understand about photography is depth of field. This is the amount of a scene that will be in focus. This is affected by the aperture used when the photo is taken in combination with the focal length of the lens.

I have some of my pictures up on my profile and invite people to check them out. The ones I posted there most recently are pictures of sunrises and sunsets. I also have pictures of my pets and the last ones are pictures from concerts I've attended. Those are my favorite photos overall.

I have visited your profile. Pics of Sunset and raises are really very nice. This itself shows that you have rich experience in Photography

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