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What about let's introduce ourselves in our mother tongues!!!
In Chinese:大家好!我的名字叫Mingfei。我来自中国南昌,但是现在住在北京。我19岁了,是一名大学生。我喜欢交换明信片,飞机,画画,看电影等等。
(Hello! My name is Mingfei. I come from Nanchang, China, but now I live in Beijing. I'm 19 years old and I'm a university student. I like exchanging postcards, planes, drawing pictures, watching movies and so on.)
I'm ParadoxMon and I'm new here. That's why I try to introduce myself a little bit to you all.
I'm mostly active on SLOWLY [cause I love to write long letters and to have deep conversations from all over the world too]. My goal is the same everywhere. I can answer you in English, German or Polish.
My passions are: spending time with my fiance [I'm happy with him since 2018], anime and manga, photography, good books and creative writing.
Curious for more? So don't hesitate and send me a message.