Thank you for penpal gate!

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I just wanted to thank those who contribute to running the site and those who come here, post in the forums and also use the chatroom. I think the people here are rather interesting and I'm very happy to have so many different people from different countries and of different ages.

I think it's really great that the chatroom is used by people in many different languages. I generally just pop in to see if there is a discussion going on that I might be able to contribute to and drop off if I don't think I can add anything relevant. However I like to see what interests people.

So please keep up the great work everyone!

Thank you for your message and yes I agree with you, I don't say it often but thanks to everyone who make this community the way it is ❤️. Celebrating 13 years this month, after many ups and down!

It's a great platform, I really like it. People here really want to connect and know more about the world and how life is really lived. Thank you very much!

I really like the diversity environment on this website!

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