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derniers messages
19 ans,
19 ans, de Allemagne
January 26, 2021 19:06
January 26, 2021 19:06
Perhaps think about something different than "yes" or "and" etc. I'd like to know. 🙂
Mine is probably "hot" instead of "cool" for some reason.
I don`t really say "That's cool", I say "that's hot" .-.
Édité par sweet_sunshine January 26, 2021 19:16 .
19 ans,
19 ans, de France
January 28, 2021 18:54
January 28, 2021 18:54
Instead of saying "oh crap!" I say "oh mash!"
And when someone explains something to me, I don't know why, but I ALWAYS say "oh, yes, alright, okay"
Even in french
17 ans,
17 ans, de Allemagne
March 02, 2021 20:04
March 02, 2021 20:04
Ich benutze oft : Heftig deftig würzig gut
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