Why is it so difficult to separate of someone?

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Question is on the top+how do you deal with after that?
Curious about your answers!

There is slight difference between "giving up" and "knowing when you have had enough. " If you simply give up on something or someone for some reason, yes, that is difficult and it's going to hurt for a long time. If you know you had enough for some true and bitter facts, then it is not difficult. Reason vs fact. That's the key.

It's difficult to separate from someone because you were comfortable with their presence. You are familiar and people like things that are familiar to them. It's a pattern and comfort. It also applies to relationship whether it's bad or good.

I think it's much easier to be the person separating from someone else than to be the person who has someone choosing to separate from them. In the first case one often is doing so because one has identified traits in the other person or patterns in the relationship that are negative. So moving away from that is a positive.

In the opposite case when someone you love or like a lot is choosing to separate from you it is much more difficult especially when you find nothing or very little wrong with them. I think this is difficult because one often thinks that there is something wrong with themselves. I think it is important to listen to the person who previously loved or liked you. They may be able to identify things that you can choose to work on to improve yourself. However take it with a grain of salt. Also ask other people in your life about what they've said and whether they find it to be true.

The bottom line is that one will usually get through the pain and heartache of separation. Take the situation as a learning experience and try to move forward either as a better person or as a person who is better at picking people to get close to.

When this has happened to me I've found affirmations to help me through the grieving process of the loss of a relationship. I've also focused more on myself and both indulged myself and also done introspection to see if I was really being myself in the relationship. If I wasn't then I try to be more true to myself, and if I was I look to see if there are any things I need to consider changing in being myself (based on the feedback of other people I'm close to.)

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