Looking for friendships

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My penpal experience first began as a school assignment then transitioned to become a new hobby of mine afterwards. I was fifteen years old when I receive my first letter to someone from a country in South America. It felt like I was in a journey with them as I read their stories about their lives. I wished we've continued to write to each one of them to know where they are now.

As years go by, I find penpalling a great way to connect and communicate with others statewide or worldwide. I really enjoyed sharing a piece of myself to each penpal I contact with and getting the same results back. Many of them seem to suddenly stop communicating due to busy lives, and that is okay. However, I only have two penpals that I still connect once in a while. So, why am I here? I want to continue to write and make new friendships to who ever reads this. Though, I am looking for email penpals to be exact because its seems more faster and efficient for me. I do tend to reply late but not the first email.

A little bit about myself:

- mid 20s, studying another major
- owns two pugs (pug life)
- fonds of musicals and true life documentaries
- edit and design photos

I look forward on getting to know you!


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