Can wounds and scars be healed?

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Wounds always get healed. But scars might stay for a life time. But one should proudly take them as badges or medals given right after surviving the difficulties.

I've found it depends on a number of different factors, where the wound is and the initial care of the wound that might turn into a scar make a big difference. The caring for it as prescribed by a doctor probably helps reduce the visibility of the scar. Then sometimes scars fade over time.

I sliced open one of my legs on a sharp rock while climbing probably 20 to 25 years ago. I haven't noticed the scar in a long time but just took a look and it's still there if you know where to look. It's just faded a lot. It took me about six hours to get from the climbing site into the emergency room so it had been open a long time before they closed it up. It has stopped bleeding fairly quickly, but was still open about 1 cm or so.

I also have two little marks on my forehead where I hit my head as a child and had to have stitches. They are clearly visible but not particularly striking or immediately noticeable. They look like little flaws.

Wounds always get healed. But scars might stay for a life time. But one should proudly take them as badges or medals given right after surviving the difficulties.

For example surviving from depression or something else?

Edytowane przez Catdoggiegirl95 .
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