Looking for a penpal (28-34)

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I am interested in get a penpal friend. Don't mind gender, if you are chatty, like series, movies and books we can get along really well 😃
I am from Spain and I am looking for penpals around my age (28-34), I prefer from Europe or America who can speak english.
See you <3

Hola Patiriba,

Hope you are well?
I would love to be your penpal.
I like tv series, movies and books. One of the tv series i just finished watching is One day at a time and i totally recommend it (its on Netfli😆
What tv series/show have you recently been watching?

Hello patiriba

I am derapriya. I would also like to be your penpal. I like TV series, movies and I read literally everything. I can speak English. Not perfect. But can handle.
I like to chat a lot. Sometimes I go to chatroom and no one chatting. I am very sad. Sometimes I met good people who are like to chat.
But the problem patiriba, I would love to be your friend that's not a concern at all in my side. But I am Asian. You are seeking Europe or American. So if you like to chat with me just leave a msg. I would be so glad.


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