So, whats your story?

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Hi! I am really glad that I found this website. I joined because I want to make new friendships around state or other parts of countries. Would anybody like to be email penpals?

Heres a little bit about myself:

- Foodie. I like to explore food places once in a while

- Pug lover. We own two pugs and "pug life" jacket

- Fond of Netflix documentaries and musicals

- Photo editing. This point of my life where i try to be artsy haha

Kinda depressed and without friends.
My strongest 10yo friendship ends, I feel it.
My strongest soulmate friendship ended. At all. A few months ago. And it caused some more negative feelings to myself.
I started learning language two years ago to full my soul with something during the ending of 10yo friendship. A year later I had another broke up. And language doesn't help anymore. Just makes it harder, because I feel bad and then I become non concentrated, so can't feel better during the lessons.

So today I'm here to find a friend. Because I just woke up once and understood that you don't need to be adult to have no friends. You can lose them anytime.
But I didn't want toxic relations. Or maybe I was toxic? Who knows.
Anyway, if you're ready to chat with a litte depressed stupido - click on my nickname and send a message.
I'd like to meet some English and German native speakers, between 15-18 yo (any age is good, but the closest to my own are better). It'd be great to talk online, maybe as a video-call.

Questo argomento è inattivo da un po' e ora è di sola lettura.