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Any witches on here? I’m tired of being lonely 😔 😂

yessss omg hiiiiiii

I have a thaï friend who is a witche, I can give you her contact

Nintendo Switch will help you kill time.

Lol love the Nintendo switch 😂 😂

Yep!! 😁🦋

Has anybody called me? I was in my cave making some potions, but now I come immediately...


Wait a minute.I seem to be a bad guy.Oh,oh,right.Avada Kedavra

Has anybody called me? I was in my cave making some potions, but now I come immediately...

Witches rule, what do you practice? Are you eclectic or do you follow a certain path?

I wish...

I would like to be a witch 🙂

Yes I am 😊

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