Got dumped for a dumb reason do you think she should have left because of it?

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So my ex gf dumped me yesterday and idrk how to justify myself if I’m a cheater or not since I know for myself I’m not she dumped me because I added some people on this website which is the same as this where we met and now she thinks I’m cheating even tho I showed her countless of times I didn’t message anyone of them I for sure just added them since I was gonna delete my profile hence it was really useless I showed her message history that I’ve mever sent any messages to those girls now everyone in her friends keep telling her it’s fishy and I am cheating that the whole thing is bullshit even tho there’s actual evidence that I didn’t sent one message in that site idk she keeps insisting I should just admit it I haven’t slept nor eaten properly have tried the whole day to tell her the truth but she just brushed it off and just kept telling me I’m a trash cheater sigh

Well, I am not an expert in relashionship, but I think there is no point to try to justify yourself to someone who don't even want to believe.
In my mind the base of all types of relationship is trust. So why torturing yourself? As if as you're talking to a wall.

It's so true what our Russian mate said if she doesn't trust you and she want really left you, it means she didn't trust you and she's not surely your right one! If she was she would never think to lose you and she would trust you. So now cry pull everything out and remember that you will find surely someone else and better than her 💪🏻

Thanks guys I’ll try to remember this thank you just wanted some answers on what I should do next thank you
