Do women still believe in romance?

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I was talking to a friend. And she told me, that guys didn't make her feel special. And only wanted one thing. So to help the guys, that aren't in the know. Some guys anyway. (Not all of us.) if you don't mind answering, ladies how could a guy make you feel like you are special?
Any help on this subject would be helpful.

Hello memilo my name is troyeron anda think than you have reason

And sorry i don't very understood The inglish

I guess when you’re italian and acting crazy that helps them feeling special. But I’m unsure acting crazy is a nice thing to reproduce :')

It was killed by feminism. Ok I'm out xD !

I have no idea what can make me feel special, I guess for every woman it is different...But it is definitely not always flowers and chocolates

It. S an indivual thing, all people take everything not the same . But anyway she has to think that she is the one for you and she is in a fairy tale🙂

Oui. Although many people doesn't believe it anymore after having gone through bad experiences, the ones who have never had it want some in their lives. Man and woman. For some, romance works out.

Unfortunately, only a few believe.

I believe ✨✨✨

Yeah. Truly believe to find my mate someday.
Until then I'm a lucky lonesome...

I want a perfect gentleman and a hero, where I can feel safe. Safe like home.
Never underestimate the feelings of a woman...she always wanted to be "the one".
