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26 ans,
26 ans, de Chine
What do you usually do at electricity power cut time
34 ans,
34 ans, de Espagne
22 ans,
22 ans, de Russie
26 ans,
26 ans, de Chine
26 ans,
26 ans, de Chine
Long time I don’t use that haha but it’s great.
I light candles.🙃
24 ans,
24 ans, de Venezuela
Don't know if you've heard about power cuts here, but it takes days sometimes x.x We used every candle and now I just read next to the window.
24 ans,
24 ans, de Venezuela
Don't know if you've heard about power cuts here, but it takes days sometimes x.x We used every candle and now I just read next to the window.
26 ans,
26 ans, de Chine
That’s great. In my home we don’t usually have power cut so I just wait.
Don't know if you've heard about power cuts here, but it takes days sometimes x.x We used every candle and now I just read next to the window.
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