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29 años,
29 años, de Francia
August 05, 2019 18:35
August 05, 2019 18:35
I'd be really delighted if there are people here that can accept to have a postal correspondence with me. So anyone interested?
25 años,
25 años, de Alemania
August 08, 2019 16:23
August 08, 2019 16:23
Hey Klaus. It would be grat to have a postal correspondence with you. I like to learn France and this would be the best way to learn and make new great Friends 🙂
29 años,
29 años, de Francia
August 08, 2019 16:50
August 08, 2019 16:50
Hi Lisa.
Okay let's do it then!
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Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.