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22 años,
22 años, de Alemania
June 26, 2019 15:08
June 26, 2019 15:08
I search a Penpal who can help me to learn English and French.
Ich come from Germany and can help for learning Germany.
25 años,
25 años, de Egipto
July 02, 2019 00:12
July 02, 2019 00:12
I can help you if you want and I'm learning German, so I guess you can help me.
26 años,
26 años, de China
July 02, 2019 02:20
July 02, 2019 02:20
I don’t know French but I can speak English. We can chat and learn together, oh by the way I also interested in German. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt , mein Name ist Jesús.
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