I hope people change

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In which topic do you want people to change ? (I tried to write this question & I'm not sure of it)

Well some people are just... Watching porn and are looking too much on girls/boys i hope that will change and people watch more the inside from someone then the outside
When you say "the inside", what do you think about ? Personality ?

Ofc people should be less egoistic and so on but the first thing I thought of was that strange idea of trying to fit in every situation. Something like u know u do it just because u want to be nice, for example u write or try to talk to someone but u are not really interested in it. I can feel an insincerity in that person.
On the other hand I wish I could be more outgoing, u know, trust people more

Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.