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derniers messages
25 ans,
25 ans, de Allemagne
May 15, 2019 17:57
May 15, 2019 17:57
Question at the top" and maybe why? 🙂
23 ans,
23 ans, de France
May 15, 2019 18:19
May 15, 2019 18:19
I am really joyful because my brother spend good moments with her girlfriend in Germany and I am happy for him ! 😄
42 ans,
42 ans, de Autriche
May 15, 2019 18:53
May 15, 2019 18:53
I'm listening to songs I did not hear for a while so right now I'm bathing in the endless seeming joy of good memories 😊
24 ans,
24 ans, de Pays-Bas
June 29, 2019 23:15
26 ans,
26 ans, de Chine
June 30, 2019 02:28
June 30, 2019 02:28
I feel happy, i’m In holiday and relaxed
25 ans,
25 ans, de Allemagne
June 30, 2019 13:10
June 30, 2019 13:10
Why do you feel heartbroken? 🙁
40 ans,
40 ans, de Espagne
July 05, 2019 05:47
July 05, 2019 05:47
Exams finished 2 weeks ago so I am completely free! I have holiday, but I don't know what I could do.
25 ans,
25 ans, de Allemagne
July 07, 2019 11:15
July 07, 2019 11:15
I got three exams in the next two weeks, so a bit stressed. But all in all I'm happy, the weather is good, I am spending time with my friends, I'm going on holiday next month
20 ans,
20 ans, de Pays-Bas
July 10, 2019 18:13
July 10, 2019 18:13
I feel relaxed because I've got a vacation for six weeks!
43 ans,
43 ans, de Royaume-Uni
July 11, 2019 07:26
July 11, 2019 07:26
I am feeling great. Listening to the latest trends in music and I am going to read a few books, just to keep my brain in motion.
Page 1 sur 1
derniers messages
Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.