Swimming in ice cold waters

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Ice cold water doesn't hurt me at all. It makes me stronger & braver. Belive it or not.



Editado por Catdoggiegirl95 .

Yes,it could be the truth ,but you must do it correctly.

Yes,it could be the truth ,but you must do it correctly.

Are you afraid of ice cold water?

If water is too cold it makes your body react by taking a deep breath which when in water can cause you to drown, its what happened on the titanic to most of the people. It's now part of the UK charity lifeboats ads to lean back if you go in cold water to prevent drowning.
Just be careful and safe.

Yes,it could be the truth ,but you must do it correctly.

Are you afraid of ice cold water?

I do not afraid)Just I do not like it)
Take care.

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