Is it normal to be sleepy or not?
These help me to sleep better:
Is it normal to be sleepy or not?
These help me to sleep better:
Heat stops you sleeping. And alcohol makes you sleep. If I drink rum and cola before bed I sleep like a baby and feel so refreshed in the morning.
Heat stops you sleeping. And alcohol makes you sleep. If I drink rum and cola before bed I sleep like a baby and feel so refreshed in the morning.
I don't drink alcohol at all. This topic is not about alcohol.
I never mentioned that this topic was about alcohol so I have no idea where you got that from.Heat stops you sleeping. And alcohol makes you sleep. If I drink rum and cola before bed I sleep like a baby and feel so refreshed in the morning.I don't drink alcohol at all. This topic is not about alcohol.
I never mentioned that this topic was about alcohol so I have no idea where you got that from.Heat stops you sleeping. And alcohol makes you sleep. If I drink rum and cola before bed I sleep like a baby and feel so refreshed in the morning.I don't drink alcohol at all. This topic is not about alcohol.
It looked like a topic about getting to sleep so I provided what I do. If that's wrong then make sure next time you clarify your posts meaning.
Only things such as excessive sleepiness or insomnia can be a problem I think
I love ASMR too but lo-fi music helps me more
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