Life without internet

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Does anyone remember living before the age of internet and cellphones? I remember when I was a kid, we actually go outside and play actual games that doesn’t involve technology. Yes, video games were still a thing, but we made an effort to talk to people and form relationships. Now I see kids and adults walking around locked in their cell phones 24/7 and they seem to have forgotten how to communicate with one another. My theory is that as we implement more tech into our lives, the more isolated we become as human beings. That is one of the reasons why I left social media because it doesn’t feel real to me. What are your thoughts?

Does anyone remember living before the age of internet and cellphones? I remember when I was a kid, we actually go outside and play actual games that doesn’t involve technology. Yes, video games were still a thing, but we made an effort to talk to people and form relationships. Now I see kids and adults walking around locked in their cell phones 24/7 and they seem to have forgotten how to communicate with one another.

We are, basically, communicating all the time but via messaging apps. I didn't have Internet connection until I was 11 years old but, until that time, I was playing videogames and went out with friends to play sports and I do not remember to be happier or sadder than now. Actually, now we have a great advantage which is the opportunity to speak with people who are far away from our birthplaces and, probably, we wouldn't have met if it were not for today's technology.

I am sure that our elders said the same about newspapers, comic and books. I have the feeling that this image below is very accurate:*U36hBj8i-C7JJJxS4MP2HQ.jpeg

So, I undertand your point because nostalgia of times past is strong but I am not completely agree with you.

I spent 5 years with no Internet recently as a fun experiment and it's damn hard to do, everything is online, from work to banking. And what you said about people being fixed to there phones I agree, I look around now and just get reminders of the humans in wall-E.

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