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derniers messages
28 ans,
28 ans, de Italie
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
Hi! I'm from Italy and I would like to learn more about this wonderful world such figure ice skating. Do you like it too? Do you practice it?
29 ans,
29 ans, de Finlande
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
I love figure skating. Do you remember figure skating world championships in Milan?
34 ans,
34 ans, de Royaume-Uni
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
28 ans,
28 ans, de Italie
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
I love figure skating. Do you remember figure skating world championships in Milan?
I missed it T_____T
28 ans,
28 ans, de Italie
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
Really? OMG
29 ans,
29 ans, de Pays-Bas
Modérateur de Forum
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
Me, as Dutch person. Have never been ice skating in my whole life... whilst we're an ice skating county😅
34 ans,
34 ans, de Royaume-Uni
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
Really? OMG
Lol its fun, I'm sure everyone knows strictly come dancing? Well we put it on ice for added fun. Sometimes people break ribs and ankles 😂
28 ans,
28 ans, de Italie
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
Really? OMG
Lol its fun, I'm sure everyone knows strictly come dancing? Well we put it on ice for added fun. Sometimes people break ribs and ankles 😂
Ouch! 🙈
34 ans,
34 ans, de Royaume-Uni
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
Lol well they are celebrities and it's not as bad as the show "the jump" where we take celebs and have them do skii jumping, it's almost killed a few 😂
17 ans,
17 ans, de Allemagne
il y a 2 ans
il y a 2 ans
I'm a big fan of ice skating!!!
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