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28 años,
28 años, de Italia
January 05, 2019 11:14
January 05, 2019 11:14
Hi! I'm from Italy and I would like to learn more about this wonderful world such figure ice skating. Do you like it too? Do you practice it?
29 años,
29 años, de Finlandia
January 05, 2019 14:15
January 05, 2019 14:15
I love figure skating. Do you remember figure skating world championships in Milan?
34 años,
34 años, de Reino Unido
January 05, 2019 16:52
January 05, 2019 16:52
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
28 años,
28 años, de Italia
January 05, 2019 16:54
January 05, 2019 16:54
I love figure skating. Do you remember figure skating world championships in Milan?
I missed it T_____T
28 años,
28 años, de Italia
January 05, 2019 16:54
January 05, 2019 16:54
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
Really? OMG
29 años,
29 años, de Países Bajos
Moderador de Foro
January 05, 2019 17:59
January 05, 2019 17:59
Me, as Dutch person. Have never been ice skating in my whole life... whilst we're an ice skating county😅
34 años,
34 años, de Reino Unido
January 05, 2019 23:04
January 05, 2019 23:04
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
Really? OMG
Lol its fun, I'm sure everyone knows strictly come dancing? Well we put it on ice for added fun. Sometimes people break ribs and ankles 😂
28 años,
28 años, de Italia
January 06, 2019 13:57
January 06, 2019 13:57
In the UK we have dancing on ice which is pretty fun, everyone at some point gets injured 😂
Really? OMG
Lol its fun, I'm sure everyone knows strictly come dancing? Well we put it on ice for added fun. Sometimes people break ribs and ankles 😂
Ouch! 🙈
34 años,
34 años, de Reino Unido
January 06, 2019 16:53
January 06, 2019 16:53
Lol well they are celebrities and it's not as bad as the show "the jump" where we take celebs and have them do skii jumping, it's almost killed a few 😂
17 años,
17 años, de Alemania
July 20, 2023 17:05
July 20, 2023 17:05
I'm a big fan of ice skating!!!
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